The ALIS 100 (Academic and Life Skills) course has been initiated at Koç University in 2010, with the purpose of helping young adults develop those basic competencies they will need in the university, their professional and personal lives.

University and Beyond: Life Skills for Young Adults, prepared by ALIS faculty, harmonizes theory and practice, and is geared to young adults, educators and families. In addition to the subject matter and exercises, the book also features special teaching tips and is a valuable resource for educators, university lecturers and instructors, teachers, guidance counselors, psychological counselors, psychologists, peer mentors and everyone working with young adults in a variety of educational contexts.

As this book is taking its place in bookshelves, our dream is to see the ALIS program and its courses being picked up in other universities in Türkiye and becoming widespread. To make this possible, our team is ready and willing to share our knowledge and experience. Please e–mail us at if you would like to get in touch with us.